Price Calculator

Please note: This calculator is designed for small orders only, and does not factor in bulk discounts for orders that contain large quantities of identical items.
Embroidery Price Qty Total
Line of embroidered text, Small (< 2" tall) $25
Line of embroidered text, Large (> 2" tall) $35
Embroidered basic logo, Small (< 6") $35
Embroidered basic logo, Large (6"-14") $65
Embroidered crest/artwork, Small (< 6") $65
Embroidered crest/artwork, Large (> 6") $185
Special thread/fabric $30
Garments Price Qty Total
Items provided by client
Handling fee for first 3 items
Garments provided by ZC
Browse Catalog
Amount You Pay Today When will it be ready?

Same Day Guaranteed*
Allow at least an hour per area, after approval Items must be in stock, or provided by client


Next Business Day Guaranteed*
24 Hours from Approval


2 Business Days Guaranteed*
48 Hours from Approval


3 Business Days Guaranteed*
from date of proof Approval


5 Business Days Guaranteed*
from date of proof Approval


10 Business Days Guaranteed*
from date of proof Approval


All times below are current estimates and may take longer:
~ 1-2 weeks for basic orders (estimate, not guaranteed)
~ 2-3 weeks for medium complexity (estimate, not guaranteed)
~ 6-9 weeks full jackets (estimate, not guaranteed)